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  1.​article.aspx?p=1671632&seqNum=7   Cached
    What that tells the mapper is that you want RESTful routes for auction resources; ... link_to "Delete this bid", ... given the following nested route: resources : ...
  2.   Cached
    You can nest resources within other nested resources if you ... put and delete methods to constrain a route to a ... the rake routes output for a RESTful route:
  3.​restful-nested...   Cached
    inherited resources: routes with nested resources. 0. Nested REST Routing. 21. ... Opinions on RESTful route for DELETEing of nested resources? question feed.
  4.​resources-with-rails-12   Cached
    A presentation on RESTful routing and resources in Rails 1.2. I stepped through some code to show how to get started with the scaffold_resource generator, set u
  5.​nested-resources...   Cached
    The easiest way to create a nested route, is to use the : ... # The railscast about Nested Resources. # Using RESTful ajax calls, a great lib by dfr ...
  6.​routing.html   Cached
    Creating a RESTful route will also make ... all of the normal routes except the route for destroy (a DELETE ... then paths for nested resources which ...
  7.​article.aspx?p=1671632&seqNum=8   Cached
    3.8 RESTful Route Customizations. ... You declare extra routes inside of a nested new block, like this: resources :reports do new do post :preview end end.
  8.   Cached
    I've run into a problem with nested resources in a RESTful application I'm working on. ... Requesting Help with RESTful Nested Routes. ... method => :delete) %>
    File format: Adobe PDF
    creation of links to delete and update resources: ... A necessary consequence of development using REST routes is ... 1.11 Nested Resources RESTful development gets ...
  10.​opinions-on-restful...   Cached
    Opinions on RESTful route for DELETEing of nested resources? ... The nested resources have create url and path for us, and they are follow convention, ...
  11.​nested-resources   Cached
    Rails RESTful delete in nested resources. ... But the route for deleting an :id, points to StudentsController#destroy, which would delete the student completely.
  12.​restful-api-delete...   Cached
    Rails RESTful delete in nested resources. 4. ... Opinions on RESTful route for DELETEing of nested resources? 2. Mixing REST API plural and singular for different ...
  13.   Cached
    I'm trying to destroy a nested resources using the following route in . router.resources :events, Orga::Events do ... Rails RESTful delete in nested resources. 22.